Sunday, 13 April 2014

A Secret Message for Abused Kids (March 2014) - page 14 [6 Humility]

Have you heard or read stories about children who were abused? Have you wondered what is being done to help this group of children? Take a look at the following video


In "A Secret Message for Abused Kids" (page 14, What's Up March 2014), we learnt that an organisation in Spain, ANAR Foundation, is now using lenticular pictures to help children who are abused.

Lenticular pictures contain images with simple animation effect which have been a source of fun for children around the world. This is to help children who may not have access to information they need in order to seek help. These poster with lenticular pictures contain a secret message that only children can read as the special message can only be seen from the lower level.

Let's Discuss!

  1. Do you think that the lenticular pictures will be effective in helping children who have been abused to get help? Why? 
  2. In what other ways can society help these children? 

Let's take it a step further and put on our thinking hats!

  1. What constitutes child abuse to you? Does a parent scolding a child for not doing his/her homework constitute child abuse? How about a parent who beats his/her child’s hand whenever he/she takes something that does not belong to him/her? 
  2. In your opinion, what is the most effective way of disciplining children?