Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Foreigners in Singapore

                   Singapore is not the only country that received many Chinese immigrants in the 19th century.
Chinese immigrants are found on every continent in the world except in Antarctica. Besides, the United States, South Africa and Australia, South-East Asia has been a favourite destination. Singapore, however, is the only country where Chinese immigrants rule themselves.
                   In every country today, you will find a Chinatown. This was initially where the new immigrants would flock to until they found a place to settle somewhere in their host country. Chinatown provided a safe haven for the newcomers. There they could speak in their own language, eat their own food, celebrate their own festivals and make new friends. It helped them feel at home.
                   Thousands of young men were leaving China in the 19th century to make a better life for themselves. Many places around the world needed labourers to work in ports, factories, mines and plantations. A lot of the work was tough and even dangerous but these young men were willing to work hard to send money home.
                  Today in Singapore, immigrants continue to come not only from China but also from the Philippines, India, China, Indonesia, Vietnam and the other SE Asian countries  Many of them work in the banks, hospitals, construction sites or as domestic helpers and even food courts. There are also professionals who come to Singapore to improve their lifestyle.
                  Are there too many foreigners to Singapore ? Should the government continue to accept them or put a stop to the influx of foreigners ? How are they contributing to our society.? What are your views ?