Sunday, 12 October 2014

Know your rights!

This year, the world celebrates the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

"Rights" are things every child should have or be able to do. All children have the same rights. Below are some rights listed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

1. You have the right to grow up healthy, happy and safe. Adults have the responsibility to make sure that your rights are protected.

2. You have the right to live with a family who loves you and takes care of you.

3. You have the right to choose your own friends and to do things together, as long as it is not harmful to you or others.

4. You have the right to food and water, clothing, a safe place to live in as well as proper medical care so that you can stay healthy,

5. You have the right to go to school and get a good education so that you can develop your talents. It should also help you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

Which of the rights you feel is / are most important to you? Why? Share your views!

Refer to page 12 to 13 of What's Up September issue for the list of the UN Convention Rights of the Child.

*Remember to indicate your name and class when you share your view :)


  1. My important rights are: "I have the right to be curious to learn things and form my own opinion", "I have the right to share my thoughts through words, pictures or anything else I am comfortable with" and I have the right to choose my own friends and to do things together."

    Jovelle Yeo Lin 4 Joy

    1. Why are these rights important to you?

    2. I have the right to grow up healthy,happy and safe.Adults have the responsibility to make sure that our rights are protected.

      Koh Hsien Fang P4 Joy

    3. i feel that i have the right to share my thoughts with others, through words,pictures or anything else that i am comfortable with,as long as it doesn't harm or offend anyone.

  2. I have the right to go to school and get a good education so that I can develop my talents and it is important to me because if I don't go to school,I might not know anything and don't know how to study forever in my live.

    Jasmine Kabita Rai , P4 Joy

  3. we as children have the right to go to a good school as the teachers and students help us to develop our talents and minds.We also learn discipline and integrity from our teachers.We also have the right to have good education as to have good jobs in the future and to support our parents when in need

    Safia Laurice,P4 Joy

  4. I feel that the right to live with a family who loves and takes care of you is the most important. To me a supportive family is very important.
    Julia Anne Ng P4 Joy

  5. I think that having the right to go to school and to have a good education is the most important to me. If we could not go to school, we will not have a good education to get a job to earn a living to support our family. I also think that we should have a family who loves us and takes care of us.
    Julia Chiang P4 Joy

  6. I have the right to food and water, a safe place to live in as well as proper medical care so that I can stay healthy.I think we have the right to grow up safe and happy and that I can be curious and learn about things and form my own opinion.
    Chai Gien Kay P4 Joy

    1. good job gien kay. As a secondary 3 student, I have seen you grow to a safe and happy child with strong opinion. proud member of society here. Thank you
      - Mrs waterfalls

  7. To me, having a right to grow up healthy , happy and safe is important to me. If children do not do not grow up healthy , they can suffer from many health problems. If they are not safe , they can get lost. Last but not the least , every child has rights and should be treated well !
    Abirami Ramanathan , P4 Joy

  8. I have the rights to have food and water,a safe place to live and get to go to school and get a good education to develop my talents.It does not matter about our gender,race or culture.These rights are to be remembered and children should be cherished.
    Chantelle Lam 4 Joy

  9. Giselle Lee
    i have the rights to have food and water,a safe place to live and get to study.

  10. i have the rights to go to school and get a good education as if we do not have a good education,we cannot communicate with others and we also cannot get jobs.
    Anne Cheah 4 Joy

  11. I have the right to choose my own friends and to do things together, as long as it is not harmful to me or others. I have the choice to my friends so we will get along well with each other. If we cannot choose our friends, we will be very lonely.

    Isabel Koo 4 Joy

  12. I have the right to choose my own friends and to do things together, as long as it is not harmful to me or others.I think this is important because if we cannot choose our friends, we might not get along with others very well. We will also be very lonely and will not be able to work well with one another. When I can choose my friends, we can get along better and have each other to chat and play with and we can also tell our troubles to each other.

    1. I have the right to choose my own friends and to do things together, as long as it is not harmful to me or others.I think this is important because if we cannot choose our friends, we might not get along with others very well. We will also be very lonely and will not be able to work well with one another. When I can choose my friends, we can get along better and have each other to chat and play with and we can also tell our troubles to each other.

      - Lock Hian (forgot to sign off in previous post) 4 Joy

  13. I have the right to eat and grow healthily while others cannot do so. I also have the right to choose my own friends and hang out with them. I know that sometimes i might be jealous when they talk to others but i learn that i need to be very grateful as i can chat with each other, play, eat together and always tell them our problems. Friends sometimes may have relationship problems but they can solve it easily. Maybe in other places, the parents of children does not allow their child to pick their own friends so the parents pick for them. So we should always be grateful about this right!
    Andrea Kee P4 Joy

  14. -I have the right to grow up healthy, happy and safe. Adults have the responsibility to make sure that your rights are protected as somtimes children use their rights in the wrong way.

    -I have thev rights to food and water,clothing,a safe place to live in as well as proper medical care so that i can can stay healthy.As some people are suffering with various kind of problems but they do not have proper medical care

    Harsha Prasanna
    P4 JOY

  15. I have the right to go to school and get a good education so that I can develop my talents. Without good education, we cannot communicate with each others and will not have a better future.
    Janelle Wong P4 Joy

  16. I have the rights to choose my own friends and to do things together with them. The reason why I chose this is because if someone does not know about me and asks me to friend someone whom I do not like, I might always argue and fight with that person as I do not like that person and this could make me a sad life in school. I would not have anyone to help me when I am in trouble as I could only talk with the person who I do not like and I would probably would not ask that person anything.

    Name : Dhaaraga
    Class : P4 Joy

  17. I have the right to be healthy ,happy and safe.

    Name: Vanessa Lee
    Class:4 Joy

  18. I have the right to play and rest.Children should be treated fairly as we will be an adult one day too.If children study for too long, it won't be good for our eyes and health. Children should always be able to rest whenever we really need to. Emeris Yeo 4 Joy

  19. I have the rights to grow up healthily,happy and safe. Adults have to make sure no strangers can harm us. Lin Yanxuan 4 Joy

  20. I have the rights to grow up healthy,happy and safe and to go to school and get a good education so that i can develop my talents .
    If we do not grow up healthy,we might suffer poor health in the future and if we do not go to school and get a good education , it would be hard to communicate with others and hard to find a job in the future.
    NAME : Sheyenne Lim
    CLASS : 4 Joy

  21. I have the right to eat and drink, be healthy and safe.If we do not get medical care, we will get sick.
    Valerie Kee
    P4 Joy

  22. I think having food, water and stay healthy is most important to me.

  23. I have the right to go to school,learn and have education.As we grow older,we would have to work,get a job.If we are not well educated,our interviews will not succeed.We would be given the sack.Whatever jobs we have,we still need special skills to work.If we could not speak well,or our language is poor,we would not be able to communicate well with our colleagues.And,we still need to have enough money to purchase food and our needs,as we need to survive.When we fall sick,we still need money to go to the clinic or see a doctor.We would not know if we suffer any strange diseases.Our health is most important.We also need a house to live in.If we do not study well,we will have to live or sleep in the streets.
    ~Ariana Lee
    P4 Joy

  24. My most important right is to grow up healthy, happy and safe Adults have the responsibility to make sure that my rights are protected.

    Lim Bridget.

  25. I have the right to choose my own friend and to do things together , as long as it is not harmful to you or other , as other people should no make decision for us and we should not make decision for other.

    ~Wee Peck Khoon
    ~P4 Joy

  26. i have the right to grow up health,happy and safe.

    Fatima Esha
    4 Joy
